Monday, October 29, 2007

2007 XR650L

Picked up an '07 Honda XR650L this weekend!! If only I had purchased this bike when I started riding. It has bare-bones essentials making it very easy to start out on. EPA restrictions really dumb down the motor but with a few mods we'll take care of that :)

P.S. All my favorite mountain rides are closed because of the fires....grrrrrr!

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Chantry Flats Ride

This is a short ride that I like to do on weekend mornings. Just from Temple City up to the Park at the top of Chantry Flats Fire Rd. About 25 miles round trip. When you're heading up Santa Anita Ave. it's impossible to resist Goldstein's Bagels on the right side before you hit Colorado.

Here's the '08 Yamaha Majesty! Just got it 2 weeks ago and I've already racked up 750 miles on it. You can see I've smoked out the rear turn signals and taken the Majesty badges & Windscreen off.

I just noticed this Dam the last time I went up. It's much bigger than the photo implies but a cool sight still.

Monday, October 15, 2007

My Intensions for this blog.

Never thought I'd have a reason to make one of these but I've decided to use this space to document things I do and interests I have. I ride scooters and motorcycles alot which is probably the majority of what my posts will contain. Things like logging rides with photos and maps will probably be most common here.

Some of the other things I plan to write about include:
4x4 Trail Rides
Jeep Modification
Radio Control Hobby
Movie/Music/Video Game opinions
Vinyl Toy Collecting

I consider myself an accomplished hobby photographer and I hope to use this as a way to further my skills.